The area is large and filled with Titans to bury your blades into. Similar to the previous game mode, it is also a sandbox-style area that resembles one of the wall’s outlier districts.

Specifically, this game mode has you utilizing the Shift key to engage both grapple hooks on the ODM gear, streamlining the movement system a bit. This game mode, created by a user named Arkatori, is a bit more bare-bones than the others, but the movement system is better, in our opinion. An additional download is available that provides different missions for you to challenge and hone your skills.

It mainly depends on the angle you are at when you’re grappling onto them. Zipping through the district’s streets feels responsive, though it can get a little weird and confusing when it comes to fighting the Titans. Created by a user named Film, this game mode provides a sandbox similar in layout to the Shiganshina District found in the show filled with Titans of varying shapes and sizes.